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The Current Between Us
Kindle Alexander
Voice For The Silent - T. A. Chase 3.5 stars. This story is a bit far-fetched in a bunch of different directions. That aside, it's a good story about second chances and finding support and love where none existed before.

Julio cracks the case and takes in Paine and his two cousins, all of which were abused, neglected and prostituted by their family. Same family also ran a dog fighing ring, as well as meth lab and a few other horrible activities.

Julio helps the kids heal, providing safety and care. He and Paine become involved, and Julio finds himself with an almost instant family. I can only imagine how slowly, if at all, children get over this kind of treatment, but things seemed to drag on a bit. I would have liked to have learned a bit more about Pedro and Santos, Julio's friends whom he saved previously. It ends seemingly well, all things considered. Happy to see the bad guys get their due and see the kids find some happiness.