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More Fun With Dick And Shane - Gillibran Brown I think it's safe to say I'm officially a Gilli addict. I love the way these are written. Gilli has such a great way of telling a story, whether he is being funny or explaining one of his many disciplinary sessions. His descriptions often make me chuckle out loud.

I do have a hard time reading about his frequent tantrums and wrong decisions resulting in the negative attention of his daddies, but more so I think that I wish for him to gain better control over his insecurity and jealousy issues.

His condition and the way he deals or not deals, as the case may be, saddens me, but I am always happy to see the way Shane and Dick take care of him and help him through his episodes.

I really expected to tire of this but surprisingly find myself needing more and more. Alas, I am off to book 3.